Thursday 18 September 2014

Searching for an African Fish Eagle ...

Early mornings & late afternoons in Botswana find many photographers and safari-goers in search of  the African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer).

Like those before, and after us, we scanned the large, high waterside trees and branches of the Chobe River for sights of this majestic bird of prey.  Once spotted, with cameras trained on the perched eagle, we waited expectantly for signs that this proficient hunter had spied some prey.


Focussing the camera lens on the Fish Eagle and waiting for it to swoop down to catch a fish from the water below was exciting, yet peaceful.    I felt like a bit like the eagle, waiting to capture my prey - looking for slight movements, waiting to swoop  - sometimes successful :-)

African Fish Eagle waiting patiently - scanning the water for a meal.

On the move .


Ever hopeful ...

Maybe next time ...

Yep ... maybe next time the Fish Eagle will capture its meal!   
Another day, another Fish Eagle adventure ...

Bye for now
Cheers Jen

ps ...  African fish eagles swoop down to catch their prey (generally fish) which they carry back to the perch or dragged to shore if too big to carry. They also eat birds, monkeys and even crocodile hatchlings. These efficient predators can get away with spending as little as 10 minutes a day actively hunting, and capture prey about one in eight attempts.

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