Saturday 20 September 2014

Skimmers Delight

After many hours of spotting the African Skimmer and following its flight through the camera lens  we were able to capture a collection of images, some of which I've included below.

The Skimmer, a distinctive and agile bird found amongst the sandbanks of the Chobe River in Botswana, are quite a challenge to photograph - think I still need lots of practice!

African Skimmer in action


African skimmers feed mostly at dusk, dawn and during the night, and rest during the warmest part of the day.

African Skimmer in flight

The Skimmer, which has a uniquely shaped yellow-tipped red bill, with the lower mandible distinctly longer than the upper, flies just above the calm surface of the water searching for small fish.  As the bird's elongated lower mandible breaks the surface of the water it scoops up its catch.

Returning to the sandbar

A clutch of two African Skimmer eggs - nested in a scrape of sand

These agile birds are monogamous and nest in a scrape on a sandbar where they lay a clutch of two to three eggs over several days.


The African Skimmer ( Rynchops flavirostris) is frequently sighted in pairs or small flocks, along the Chobe River Botswana, amongst the sandbars and islands with little vegetation. 

Skimming for small fish

Bye for now
Cheers Jen

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